Background Noise Comics
1 min readOct 25, 2018


Hmn. This is not 100 percent accurate. I agree that good content is key, but algorithms and audience definitely play a role.

We publish the same comic on several different platforms. Sometimes a comic will get a decent amount of claps on Medium (our audience is the smallest here) sometimes a comic will get a ton of likes on Instagram where we post it on two different profiles.

Here’s an example, this post got 82 claps here.

On IG it got 394 likes here c and 79 likes here

Same hashtags on the IG but different results. I know it’s not the most scientific test but its a good example of how audience and algorithm can definitely make a difference!



Background Noise Comics

Diary comic by Lisa Burdige and John Hazard about balancing life, love and kids in the gig economy.